

Sports activities involve physical exertion or skill, typically governed by rules and played competitively or for recreation. They have the power to transcend cultural boundaries and contribute to intercultural fellowship in various ways.

How does 'if' help promote sports?

  1. Universal language that different cultures can understand & participate in

  2. Foster connections & understanding

  3. Opportunities for cultural exchange

  4. Promoting tolerance & respect

Our initiatives

  • Promote cultural awareness

  • Encourage dialogue & exchange

  • Emphasise diversity & representation

  • Provide language support

Here comes the alt text

Beyond borders,
beyond boundaries

  • Cultivating global understanding

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Sports activities involve physical exertion or skill, typically governed by rules and played competitively or for recreation. They have the power to transcend cultural boundaries and contribute to intercultural fellowship in various ways.

How does 'if' help promote sports?

  1. Universal language that different cultures can understand & participate in

  2. Foster connections & understanding

  3. Opportunities for cultural exchange

  4. Promoting tolerance & respect

Our initiatives

  • Promote cultural awareness

  • Encourage dialogue & exchange

  • Emphasise diversity & representation

  • Provide language support

Here comes the alt text

Beyond borders,
beyond boundaries

  • Cultivating global understanding

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with our monthly newsletter.



Sports activities involve physical exertion or skill, typically governed by rules and played competitively or for recreation. They have the power to transcend cultural boundaries and contribute to intercultural fellowship in various ways.

How does 'if' help promote sports?

  1. Universal language that different cultures can understand & participate in

  2. Foster connections & understanding

  3. Opportunities for cultural exchange

  4. Promoting tolerance & respect

Our initiatives

  • Promote cultural awareness

  • Encourage dialogue & exchange

  • Emphasise diversity & representation

  • Provide language support

Here comes the alt text

Beyond borders, beyond boundaries

  • Cultivating global understanding

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with our monthly newsletter.